Finally, a fast, easy way to hook up the PerTronix® Ignitor®! This ignition power relay installs next to the starter solenoid with a supplied self-drilling, self-tapping screw. Each wire is the right length and comes with the correctly-sized terminal already installed. Simply connect two wires at the solenoid and connect the Ignitor® to the red power wire.
The PerTronix® Ignitor® is a 12-volt device that must be powered during crank and run. Many installers mistake the coil positive for a 12-volt power source, however there is a resistor wire that drops the voltage here to less than 9 volts. This is the major cause of outright failure as well as rough running and stalling. Using the IPR-Ford solves this problem, providing full power to the Ignitor®.
Installation instructions included. Instructions include a large full-color picture showing all connections.
NOTE: Electrical parts are non-returnable once installed. We will replace defective units only.