Before shopping on our site, please review our International Terms and Conditions here.


NOTE: Unlock this free digital product by adding it to your cart. You'll gain immediate access to valuable attached data when the order is placed.
To download your copy of our latest fully-illustrated catalog for ’60 – ’70 Galaxies and other full-size Fords and Mercurys:
  • Click on the Add to Cart button.
  • Either continue shopping or go directly to your cart and click Proceed to Checkout.
  • Complete the checkout process. (There is no charge for this.)
Once your order is completed, you will receive an email with a link to your download.


We’ve been selling classic Ford and Mercury parts since 1978. We offer thousands of top-quality reproduction and Genuine Ford parts for the restoration of your Classic Falcon. We are proud to be licensed by Ford Motor Company to reproduce many hard-to-find Falcon emblems. We have fantastic Floor Pans, Upholstery, Carpet, Brake & Clutch Parts, Steering/Suspension Components, Literature & Much, Much More.

At Auto Krafters, Inc., you can count on us for Genuine VALUE for your money:

    • Quality parts at competitive prices


    • Toll-free tech support on everything we sell


    • Service-minded employees ready to take your order


    • Fast shipping (Domestic or International) to your door or place of business


    • MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover – all accepted


NOTE: We use Ford-type part numbers on our site for reference only. Most parts listed are quality reproductions of the originals and are NOT genuine Ford.

NOTE: If you are a tax-exempt customer, we must have a signed copy of your tax exemption form on file BEFORE you place an online order.
We cannot refund taxes retroactively.

NOTE: We do not ship to countries outside the continental US, except for Canada.
All other buyers in other foreign countries must use a US-based freight fowarder.
The buyer is responsible for arranging the forwarding of their own orders to their country.
See our International Terms and Conditions for more information.