Fits 1969-70 Mustang fastback.
This exact reproduction is the stainless steel door glass moulding that holds the vertical weatherstrip #D0ZZ-63214A14A between the door and quarter window. It fits the right side and includes detailed instructions.
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Fits 1969-70 Mustang fastback.
This exact reproduction is the stainless steel door glass moulding that holds the vertical weatherstrip #D0ZZ-63214A14A between the door and quarter window. It fits the right side and includes detailed instructions.
NOTE: We use Ford-type part numbers on our site for reference only. Most parts listed are quality reproductions of the originals and are NOT genuine Ford.
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We cannot refund taxes retroactively.
NOTE: We do not ship to countries outside the continental US, except for Canada.
All other buyers in other foreign countries must use a US-based freight fowarder.
The buyer is responsible for arranging the forwarding of their own orders to their country.
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